Can anybody cast light upon how this chair got broken? 谁能帮助查清这把椅子坏掉的原因呢?
I do not know why they come up with this point, but do you think we can really throw light upon it? 我不知道为什么有人会想出这种问题,你觉得你能真正分清楚吗?
You have walked among us a spirit, and your shadow has been a light upon our faces. 你曾是一个在我们中间行走的神灵,你的影儿曾明光似地照亮我们的脸。
The other, a mere blur of light upon the darkness, indicated the position of the anchored ship. 另一处亮光只是黑暗中隐隐约约的微光,表明大船停泊的位置。
Holy water, shed a light upon my life. 圣水,流淌的光芒融入于我的生命。
I read all the books I could find that threw light upon these matters. 我阅读了所有能找到的能解释这些事情的书籍。
Stevenson, biblical archaeology is an area of archaeology which throws light upon our understanding of the Bible. 约翰·史蒂文森:圣经考古学是考古学领域的一缕阳光,由此我们对圣经的理解更为开阔。
So now I think of the fire; the steady film of yellow light upon the page of my book; the three chrysanthemums in the round glass bowl on the mantelpiece. 现在我记起了炉子里的火,一片黄色的火光一动不动地照射在我的书页上;壁炉上圆形玻璃缸里插着三朵菊花。
I have only one reason to write novels, and that is to bring the dignity of the individual soul to the surface and shine a light upon it. 我写小说只有一个理由。那就是使个人灵魂的尊严彰显,使它呈现光彩。
You were given light not to make you comfortable but to share that light upon receiving it. 你得到亮光,不是要令你感到自在,而是要你马上和人分享。
The object color that we see is the top that the light source light upon object and conversion becomes the sense of vision color that the glint light enters the our eye. 我们看到的物体颜色是光源照射到它的上面时,转化成反射光进入我们眼睛的视觉色彩。
The moon threw its silvery light upon the lake. 月亮把它的银光洒在湖上。
Since nine of the thirty-three VicePresidents became president, the poll also sheds light upon their capabilities. 既然三十三位副总统之中九位成了总统,民意测验也对他们的能力有了表示。
Their findings cast much light upon the burial customs of the Indian tribes of that area. 他们的发现有助于人们理解这个地区印地安部落的葬礼风俗。
And to_day when by chance I light upon them and see thy signature, I find they have lain scattered in the dust mixed with the memory of joys and sorrows of my trivial days forgotten. 今天我与它们邂逅,看到了你的印记,发现它们与我那些被遗忘的平凡日子里的欢乐和忧愁的记忆混杂,散落在尘埃中。
Beautiful wife serve a milk with good smell, lovely child is be fast asleep, warm lamplight cast light upon this scene harmoniously. 美丽的妻子端上溢香的牛奶、可爱的孩子正在熟睡,温暖的灯光映照着这个和谐的气氛。
In fact people are generally supportive of others in extreme circumstances, and every act of kindness plants creates another point of Light upon Earth. 事实上,在极端情况下人们普遍地给予帮助和支持他人,每一个仁慈行为的植物都创造了另一个光在地球上扎根的点。
And let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth and it was so. 上帝说,天上要有光体,并要发光在天空、普照在大地上,事就这样成了。
Whom would they discern there, with the red eastern light upon his brow? 他们会依稀看到那里站着一个人,额上映着东方的红光,那会是谁呢?
Her diaries throw a new light upon certain incidents. 她的日记对一些事件提供了新的解释。
Compared with definition of tax-avoidance in tax economics, the definition of tax-avoidance in theory of tax law sheds light upon the essence of tax-avoidance, so the possibility of tax-avoidance regulating by law which aimed at all kinds of tax-avoidance is provided. 摘要与避税的经济学定义相比,避税的税法学定义揭示了避税的本质,为针对所有型态的避税行为的法律规制提供了可能。
On the table stood a dark-lantern with the shutter half open, throwing a brilliant beam of light upon the iron safe, the door of which was ajar. 桌子上放着一盏熄灭了的提灯,窗板半开,亮光照在半开的保险柜上。
A bright sun poured a flood crystal light upon a greensward. 明朗的太阳向一块草地洒下一片水晶般璀璨的阳光。
The production of a work of art throws light upon the mystery of humanity. 一件艺术品的产生往往可以说明人性的神秘。
Under the town walls, parchment lanterns had been lit above the stalls, throwing pools of colored light upon the cobbled path. 在镇墙之下,羊皮灯笼悬于栅栏之上在石子小径上投下片许彩色的灯光。
Another window fly up to the sky, with a tremendous sound of noise, window Fried opened, suddenly, the sky, the earth by its light upon as the day the same. 又一个亮点飞上天空,伴着一声巨大的声响,亮点炸开了,刹那间,天空、大地被它的亮光照得如同白昼一样。
For more information, talk with an attorney. The information throws light upon the mystery of Dr Bake. 需了解更多信息可向律师咨询。这个信息可以解开贝克医生之谜。
I attempted to keep the ray of light upon the eye. 我试图保持的光芒在风眼。
This information throws light upon the mystery of the President's death. 这消息给弄清总统神秘之死提供了线索。
The outbreak of financial crisis in Asia has thrown light upon the problems existing in overseas Chinese businesses. 东南亚金融危机的爆发,暴露出了华人企业经营中存在的一些问题。